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The federal government has approved that the following procedures would apply in respect of all exports from Nigeria.
                                        DOCUMENTATION PROCEDURES
1.    All goods exported from Nigeria shall be subject to Inspection by Inspection Agents appointed for that purpose by government
2.    The agents shall ensure the quality and quantity of all exports as well as the true value of goods to the consignee and shall issue clean certificate of inspection in respect of such goods
3.    The inspection will take place at seaports, airports terminals or other points of dispatch
4.    s soon as the exporter agrees to export goods from Nigeria and not less than 10 working days prior to shipment and the exporter will do the following;
I.    Complete in sexuplicate(6) form NXP(Nigeria Export Proceeds form) and submit the  completed form to the exporters bank who will register and endorse it,retain the original and a duplicate and pass the remaining four copies to the exporter who in turn submit them to the inspection Agents.
II.    At the same time, the exporter will pay to his bank the Nigeria Export Supervision Scheme (NESS) Administrative charges Ad-volerem of the FOB value of the inspected exports respectively.His bank would remit this to CBN
III.    The exporter should retain a photocopy of the NXP form and use the NXP form number in all dealings with the bank,Inspection agents and Nigeria Customs Service.
5.    The inspection agents will register all details from the NXP,open a file and issue the exporter with an RFI Form (Request for information).The purpose of RFI is to enable the inspection company to coordinate with the exporter a siutable time and place for the physical inspection.It is therefore essential that the exporters respond to the RFI,with all the required information as soon as possible.
6.    Upon opening a file, the inspection agents will ascertain quantity,quality and price
7.    No Loading to export vessel or shipping container may take place  without the agreement of the inspection Agents that a "clean certificate of inspection" will be issued to the exporter upon completion of loading.

8.    In the event of inspection uncovering dicrepancies that cannot be corrected,the exporter will be issued with a "Non negotiable certificate of inspection" which cannot be accepted for document negotiation with the commercial banks.
9.    As soon as loading is completed,the exporter must hand over to the inspection agents a copy of the bill of laden and a copy of the final invoice to the buyer.
10.    Upon completion of loading, the Inspection agent will issue the exporter with the original copy of the "clean certificate of inspection" and together with customs will complete the four copies of the NXP form and return these to the exporters bank for reconciliation.

REGISTERATION AS AN EXPORTER WITH NEPC: To be exporters and similar bodies need to complete NEPC registeration form obtainable at the price of N500 naira only.The application forms are obtainable from NEPC Zonal offices or on their website or www.nepc, and all registered exporters with NEPC are to renew their registeration every year with N3,000 Three Thousand Naira only.
?    Export Invoice: These invoices  vary greatly depending on the mode of transportation and/or on request of the importer.The following are the types of invoices:

?    Commercial invoice-this is the exporting company's own invoice form which sets out charges and costs

?    Certified invoice-The invoice is required for independent verification e.g certified invoice by the chamber of commerce,declaration of origin and value etc.

?    Consular invoice-this is an official formavailable from consulate of the country of destination.They are means of having invoices validated of checked by the customer's consul.

?    Form Eur/Generalized system of preferences(GSP):Eur form is completed for export into EU countries While under GSP scheme,imports of specified items by each of the preferences giving countries from the developing countries attract very low rates of duty.

?    Phyto-Sanitary Certificate:This certificate  may be required when fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers, plants and plant products are shipped.The certificate comfirms that the goods are free from disease or insect pest.

?    Certification Of Quality And Fumigation:The importer usually demands that good he"s buying meet a certain quality standard and are fumigated.It is therefore the duty of the exporter to ensure that a cretificate of quality is issued by Standard Organization Of Nigeria (SON) and NAFDAC.

?    Packaging list: This document supplements the commercial invoice when numerous units of the same products are being shipped or when the quantities in a shipment vary.

?    National Maritime Authority Form C Series:This form is for sharing cargo to conference lines and shipping companies in line with UNCTAD code. The form which is obtainable at all commercial banks serves two main purpose
1)    It serves as cargo trace
2)    It serves as loading authorization enabling allottees to carry cargo

?    Leter of clearances from:
1.    Federal ministry of solid minerals is the regulatory body on mining lease and export of Solid Minerals.
2.    Exporters of animals and animal products and pet should obtain letter of clearance from                         Veterinary Health Services before exportation can take place.
3.    Exporters of Artifacts/Handicraft are expected to obtain clearance from the National Museum and monuments Director

4.    ECOWAS Certificate Of Origin:This form is for exports to ECOWAS region and is obtainable at all ecowas countries Chamber of Commerce.

5.    NXP Form:The nigerian Exports Proceeds Form (NXP) Is a form which exporters are expected to declare exports and value to facilitate the repatriation of export proceeds.The form is issued by CBN and obtainable in all Commercial Banks.

6.    Airway Bill or Air Consignment Note:When goods are dispatched by air,this document is issued as a receipt for goods and as a contract of freight others include
 Bill of laden and Certificate of insurance.
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